速報APP / 生產應用 / Simple To Do Organizer

Simple To Do Organizer


檔案大小:531.5 KB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 13.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Simple To Do Organizer(圖1)-速報App

Simple To Do Organizer is a super simple task tracker just for today. We're all living inside, often with our normal life on hold. This To Do application is meant to just take care of today rather than trying to anticipate far into the future, like next Tuesday.

This is a quick and easy To Do Organizer that will help you organize just today, that's all we need, just today.

Simple To Do Organizer(圖2)-速報App

Simple To Do Organizer(圖3)-速報App

Simple To Do Organizer(圖4)-速報App